
 フトミミズ科フクロフトミミズ属コヒダミミズ Metaphire vesiculata (Goto & Hatai, 1899)

Perichaeta vesiculata Goto & Hatai, 1899: 21.

Pheretima vesiculata Michaelsen, 1900: 312.

Metaphire vesiculata Blakemore, 2010a: 16.










 受精嚢は2対で、第7, 8体節に存在する。受精嚢の主嚢は球形で、管部は短い。副嚢は主嚢よりも短く、曲がりくねる。貯精嚢は第11,12体節に存在する。卵巣や卵胞は大きい。摂護腺はやや三角形で、第17〜19体節を占める。



 かつてキクチミミズ Duplicodrilus schmardae のシノニムとすることが一般的であったが (Beddard, 1900; Ishizuka, 1999a)、現在では独立種とすることが多い。

 Blakemore (2010a) は、[ ]付きで koellikeri を本種のシノニムとしたが、独立種としても記述している。また、疑問符付きで okutamaensisbiggiberosa を本種のシノニムとした。特に前者の分類学的取り扱いは不明。


Perichaeta vesiculata Goto & Hatai, 1899: 21.

Pheretima vesiculata Michaelsen, 1900: 312.

Metaphire vesiculata Blakemore, 2003: 30 (syn. Pheretima sp. Michaelsen, 1903, ? kollikeri syn. nov., ? okutamaensis syn. nov., ? biggiberosa syn. nov.). [同定形質のみ] (?, 2003)

Metaphire vesiculata Blakemore, 2008d: 120 (syn. ?[kollikeri], ? okutamaensis, ? biggiberosa). [同定形質のみ] (Dec ?, 2008)

Metaphire vesiculata Blakemore, 2010a: 16 (syn. ? [kollikeri], ? okutamaensis, ? biggiberosa). [記述のみ] (Feb 28, 2010)

Metaphire vesiculata Blakemore, 2012a: 19 (syn. ? koellikeri, ? okutamaensis, ? biggiberosa). [記述のみ] (Feb 28, 2012)


Beddard, F.E., 1900. A revision of the earthworms of the genus Amyntas (Perichaeta). Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 69(4): 609-652.

Blakemore, R.J., 2003. Japanese earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta): A review and checklist of species. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 11: 1-43.

Blakemore, R.J., 2008d. A review of Japanese earthworms after Blakemore (2003). In: Ito MT, Kaneko N, (eds.), A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World, 2nd Edition (2006) and Supplemental. COE soil Ecology Research Group, Yokohama National University, Japan. CD-ROM Publication.

Blakemore, R.J., 2010a. Saga of Herr Hilgendorf's worms... In: Pavlíček T, Cardet P, Coşkun Y, Csuzdi C, (eds.), Advances in Earthworm Taxonomy IV (Annelida: Oligochaeta). Proceedings of the 4th International Oligochaeta Taxonomy Meeting Diyarbakir, 20-24 April, 2009. Zoology in the Middle East Supplementum 2. Kasparek Verlag, Heidelberg. pp. 7-22.

Blakemore, R.J., 2012b. Japanese earthworms revisited a decade on. Zoology in the Middle East 58 suppl 4: 15-22.


Easton, E.G., 1981. Japanese earthworms: A synopsis of the Megadrile species (Oligochaeta). Bulletin of the British Museum Natural History (Zoology) 40(2): 33-65.

Goto, S., Hatai, S., 1899. New or imperfectly known species of earthworms. No. 2. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 3: 13-24.

Ishizuka, K., 1999a. A review of the genus Pheretima s. lat. (Megascolecidae) from Japan. Edaphologia (62): 55-80.

Michaelsen, W., 1900. Oligochaeta. Das Tierrich 10: 1-575.

Sims, R.W., Easton, E.G., 1972. A numerical revision of the earthworm genus Pheretima auct. (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) with the recognition of new genera and an appendix on the earthworms collected by the Royal Society North Borneo Expeditions. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 4: 169-268.