フトミミズ科 > アズマフトミミズ属 > アカシマフトミミズ
kunigamiensis (Ishizuka et al., 2000)
Pheretima kunigamiensis Ishizuka et al., 2000: 92.
Amynthas kunigamiensis Blakemore, 2003: 7, 2012b: 18.
タイプ産地:Mt. Nishimedake (沖縄県国頭郡国頭村 西銘岳)
タイプ標本所在地:ホロタイプ 国立科学博物館(NSMT-An-333)
パラタイプ 国立科学博物館(NSMT-An-334)
琉球大学資料館(風樹館)(RUMF-ZO-3, 4)
全長 120-262 (120–262 [Ishizuka et al., 2000]、200-260 [安座間,
2015]) mm、体幅 6.0-8.5 (6.0–8.5 [Ishizuka et al., 2000]、6.5–8.5 [安座間, 2015]) mm、体節数 64-150 (Ishizuka et al., 2000)。
剛毛は第 7 体節で 36–46 本、第 20 体節で 60–74 本。
第一背孔は第 12/13 体節間溝もしくは第 13/14 体節間溝に開口する。
受精囊孔は 3 対で、第 6/7/8/9体節間溝にあり、1対の受精囊孔間距離は体周の1/3ほど。環帯は第14–16体節を占める。雌性孔は第 14 体節の腹側中央に 1 個。雄性孔は第 18 体節にあり、突起状型で、雄性孔間距離は体周の 1/3
ほど。性徴は吸盤状型で、第 6–9 体節の剛毛線より後ろの、受精嚢孔と同一線上にあるが、しばしば欠如する。吸盤状の外部表徴があり、受精嚢孔付近と、第 18 体節の剛毛線よりも後ろ側に、雄性孔に近接して存在する。なお、安座間 (2015)
Description. Body. Length 120-262 mm, width 6.0-8.5 mm. Number of segments 64-150. Reddish dark brown dorsally, Light reddish brown ventrally; a light brown
band in setae-lines showing a banded pattern in appearance.
External characters. Three pairs of spermathecal pores situated in furrows 6/7/8/9, in ventro-lateral sides, separated by a distance of ca. 1/3 body circumference.
Genital markings paired, circular sucker-shape; preclitellar to the line of the spermathecal pores, postsetal on segment VI-IX, variable in the number and occasionally absent.
External markings (genital glands absent) paired, circular sucker-shape; preclitellar closely associated with spermathecal pores, postsetal on segments VII-IX; postclitellar closely
associated with the male pores, postsetal on segment XVIII and occasionally absent. Male pores simple, superficial on segment XVIII, separated by a distance of ca. 1/3 body
circumference. Female pore single, mid-ventrally on segment XIV. First dorsal pore beginning in furrow 12/13 or 13/14. Setal number 54-70 in segment VII, 70-90 in segment
Internal characters. Serrate intestinal caeca, paired, originating in segment XXVII, extending anteriorly for 4-5 segments. Intestine begins in XV. Genital
glands, paired, glandular masses, in segment VIII, IX associated with genital markings restricted to body wall. Septa absent in 8/9/10, thickened and muscular in 5/6/7/8 and
10/11/12/13/14. Three pairs of spermathecae in segments VII-IX; ampulla consisting of a shovel-shaped pouch and a thick duct; diverticulum consisting of a small sausage-shaped pouch and
a long duct. Seminal vesicles small, extending to the dorsal line in segments XI, XII. Prostata [sic] extending through segments XVII-XIX, associated with the male pores.
Material examined. Holotype (NSMT-An-333) and 2 paratypes (NSMT-An-334): Mt. Nishimedake, Okinawa Island, 14-II-1999, Y. Azama and K. Ishizuka, in the gutter and a road
just after the rain under the natural forest dominated by C. sieboldii. Two paratypes (RUMF-ZO-3, 4): Mt. Nishimedake, Okinawa Island, 14-II-1999, T. Sasaki and K. Futagami, in
the gutter and on a road just after the rain under C. sieboldii forest. Other specimens examined: 2 exs. Mt. Nishimedake, Okinawa Island, 12-XII-1998, N. Simabukuro and K.
Teruya. 9 exs. with same data as the holotype. 12 exs. with same data as paratype (NSMT-An_335).
Remarks. The new species resembles Pheretima pingi Stephenson 1925, but is distinguishable from the latter species by (1) three pairs of spermathecal pores
situated in furrows 6/7/8/9 (four pairs of spermathecal pores in Pheretima pingi), (2) serrate intestinal caeca (simple intestinal caeca in Pheretima pingi) and (3) absence
of genital gland on segment XVIII. The new species is characterized as large body size and the color of the body showing a banded pattern in appearance.
シイが優占する天然林に生息する (Ishizuka et al., 2000)。山地森林の側溝などに見られる (安座間, 2015)。
刺激を与えると、背孔から乳白色の分泌物を勢いよく噴出することもある (安座間, 2015)。
Pheretima kunigamiensis Ishizuka et al., 2000: 92. アカシマフトミミズ (新称) [形態記載] (Feb 29, 2000)
アカシマフトミミズ 安座間, 2015: 585. アカシマフトミミズ [同定形質のみ]. (Apr. 2015)
安座間安史, 2015. ミミズ類. In: 沖縄県立図書館資料編集室 (編), 沖縄県史 各論編1. 自然環境. 沖縄県教育委員会, 那覇.
pp. 583-585.
Blakemore RJ, 2003. Japanese earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta): A review and checklist of species. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 11: 1-43.
Blakemore, R.J., 2012b. Japanese earthworms revisited a decade on. Zoology in the Middle
East 58 suppl 4: 15-22.
Ishizuka K, Azama Y, Sasaki T, 2000. Two new species of the genus Pheretima s. lat. (Family Megascolecidae) from the Yambaru District, Okinawa Island, Japan.
Edaphologia 65: 89-95.