Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus
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Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus (Eisen, 1873)
国外ではカナリー諸島 (Talavera, 2003)、イギリス (Friend, 1910)、フランス (Cognetti, 1904g; Zicsi, 1968a)、オランダ (Michaelsen, 1922)、デンマーク (Michaelsen, 1902a)、スイス (Ribaucourt, 1896; Bretscher, 1899, 1900, 1901; Zicsi, 1968a, 1970)、イタリア (Cognetti, 1905b; Zicsi, 1965c)、チェコ (Pižl, 2006)、オーストリア (Zicsi, 1965c)、スウェーデン (Eisen, 1873)、ポーランド (Kasprzak, 1989)、ルーマニア (Rosa, 1897)、アルバニア (Szederjesi & Csuzdi, 2012)、モンテネグロ (Szederjesi, 2014)、ルーマニア (Zicsi, 1965c)、ブルガリア (Černosvitov, 1937b; Zicsi & Csuzdi, 1986)、ギリシャ (Szederjesi, 2015)、ノルウェー (Michaelsen, 1902a)、ロシア (Shekhovtsov et al., 2014)、インド (Michaelsen, 1908; Stephenson, 1923; Černosvitov, 1937a)、ハワイ (Rosa, 1891, 1892a)、カナダ (Gates, 1942a; Lindroth, 1957)、アメリカ合衆国 (Heimburger, 1914; Smith, 1915, 1917, 1927; Olson, 1936, 1940; Gates, 1942a, 1953a, 1953c; Davies, 1954; Lindroth, 1957)、コロンビア (Christoffersen, 2011)、エクアドル (Christoffersen, 2011)、ウルグアイ (Cognetti, 1905a; Christoffersen, 2011)、チリ (Vaillant, 1889; Cognetti, 1905a; Zicsi, 2004; Christoffersen, 2011)、アルゼンチン (Cognetti, 1905a; Mischis & Herrera, 2006; Christoffersen, 2011)、フォークランド諸島 (Cognetti, 1905a; Pickford, 1932)、マダガスカル (Cognetti, 1908e)、レユニオン島 (Cognetti, 1906f) に分布する。
Allolobophora subrubicunda Eisen, 1873: 51. [形態記載]
Lumbricus (Dendrobaena) valdiviensis Vaillant, 1889: 120. [同定形質のみ]
Allolobophora subrubicunda Beddard, 1891: 269, 271, 273.
Allolobophora subrubicunda Rosa, 1891: 381 (syn. ? Hypogaeon havaicus).
Allolobophora subrubicunda Rosa, 1892a: 1.
Allolobophora putris var. subrubicunda Ribaucourt, 1896: 18.
Allolobophora putris var. helvetica Ribaucourt, 1896: 18.
Allolobophora putris var. arborea Ribaucourt, 1896: 21.
Allolobophora putris subsp. subrubicunda Rosa, 1897: 5.
Allolobophora putris var. subrubicunda Bretscher, 1899: 416.
Allolobophora putris var. arborea Bretscher, 1899: 416.
Allolobophora rubida subrubicunda Michaelsen, 1900a: 234.
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) rubidus var. subrubicundus Michaelsen, 1900a: 490.
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) constrictus Michaelsen, 1900a: 503.
Allolobophora putris var. subrubicunda Bretscher, 1900: 39.
Dendrobaena rubida var. subrubicunda Bretscher, 1901: 215.
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) rubidus var. subrubicunda Michaelsen, 1902a: 11.
Helodrilus (Bimastus) constrictus Michaelsen, 1902a: 4+11 (syn. ? arborea [part.], ? tenuis [part.]).
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) rubidus subrubicunda Cognetti, 1904g: 6. [記述のみ] (Oct 30, 1904)
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) rubidus var. subrubicunda Cognetti, 1905a: 60.
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) rubidus var. subrubicunda Cognetti, 1905b: 110.
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) rubidus var. subrubicunda Cognetti, 1906f: 9. [記述のみ] (Oct 20, 1906)
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) rubidus f. subrubicunda Michaelsen, 1908: 248.
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) rubidus var. subrubicunda Cognetti, 1908e: 319. [記述のみ]
Dendrobaena subrubicunda Friend, 1910: 81.
Helodrilus subrubicundus Heimburger, 1914: 284.
Helodrilus subrubicundus Smith, 1915: 556.
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) subrubicundus Smith, 1917: 168.
Allolobophora (Dendrobaena) subrubicunda Michaelsen, 1922: 14.
Allolobophora (Dendrobaena) rubida f. subrubicunda Stephenson, 1923: 503.
Helodrilus subrubicundus Smith, 1927: 352.
Helodrilus subrubicundus Sun & Pratt, 1931: 35. [記述のみ]
Dendrobaena subrubicunda Pickford, 1932: 288.
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) subrubicundus Olson, 1936: 109.
Dendrobaena subrubicunda Černosvitov, 1937a: 107.
Dendrobaena subrubicunda Černosvitov, 1937b: 83.
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) subrubicundus Olson, 1940: 5.
Dendrobaena subrubicunda Gates, 1942a: 102.
Dendrobaena subrubicunda Gates, 1953a: 2.
Dendrobaena subrubicunda Gates, 1953c: 523.
Dendrobaena subrubicunda Davies, 1954: 5.
Dendrobaena (Helodrilus) subrubicunda Lindroth, 1957: 123. [記述のみ]
Dendrobaena rubida v. subrubicunda Zicsi, 1965c: 150. [形態記載] (?, 1965)
Dendrobaena rubida v. subrubicunda Zicsi, 1968a: 424.
Dendrobaena rubida v. subrubicunda Zicsi, 1970: 241.
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Easton, 1983: 479 (syn. putris dieppi, ? arborea pygmaea, rivulicola).
Dendrobaena rubida subrubicunda Zicsi & Csuzdi, 1986: 118.
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Kasprzak, 1989: 39. [記述のみ]
Dendrodrilus subrubicundus Talavera, 2003: 185. [記述のみ]
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Zicsi, 2004: 125 (syn. puter). [記述のみ]
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Mischis & Herrera, 2006: 287.
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Pižl, 2006: 79. [記述のみ]
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Blakemore, 2010b: 203. [記述のみ]
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Christoffersen, 2011: 154.
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Blakemore, 2012b: 17. [記述のみ] (Feb 28, 2012)
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Szederjesi & Csuzdi, 2012: 269.
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Szederjesi, 2014: 50.
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Shekhovtsov et al., 2014: 53-2. [記述のみ]
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Szederjesi, 2015: 147. [記述のみ]
Allolobophora fraissei Orley, 1881a: 285.
Allolobophora puter Orley, 1881b: 581 (part), Beddard, 1896: 12.
Allolobophora puter subrubicunda Michaelsen, 1899c: 27.
Allolobophora putris Beddard, 1896: 62
Dendrobaena arborea pygmaea Friend, 1923: 23.
Dendrobaena putris dieppi Ribaucourt, 1901: 226.
Dendrobaena rivulicola Chandebois, 1958: 159.
Dendrobaena rubida Zicsi, 1968a: 135 (part)
Dendrobaena rubida subrubicunda Pop, 1943: 21, Omodeo, 1956: 175, Plisko, 1973: 85.
Dendrobaena subrubicunda Stop-Bowitz, 1969: 224, Edwards & Lofty, 1972: 215, Bouche, 1972: 414.
Dendrobaena subrubicunda papillosa Pop, 1938: 139, 1949: 434
Dendrodrilus rubida subrubicunda Zicsi 1982: 443.
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicunda Gates, 1979: 154, Perel, 1979: 201.
Dendrodrilus rubidus subrubicundus Perel, 1977:60, Easton, 1983: 479, Zicsi, 1991: 175, Mrsic, 1991: 267, Zicsi & Csuzdi, 2007: 241.
Dendrodrilus subrubicundus Zicsi, 1993: 639, Qiu & Bouche, 2000a: 195.
Helodrilus constrictus Stutz, 1909: 139 (part).
Helodrilus (Dendrobaena) rubidus var. subrubicundus Michaelsen, 1904: 289.
Helodrilus subrubicunda Reynolds & Cook, 1976: 176.
Lumbricus subrubicunda LLevinsen, 1884: 242 (part).
Octolasion subrubicunda Orleym, 1885: 21.
Beddard, F.E., 1891. The classification and distribution of earthworms. Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh 10: 235-290.
Blakemore RJ, 2010. Unravelling some Kinki earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta, Megadrili: Megascolecidae)- Part II. Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest 41(2): 191-206.
Blakemore, R.J., 2012b. Japanese earthworms revisited a decade on. Zoology in the Middle East 58 suppl 4: 15-22.
Bretscher, K., 1899. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Oligochaeten-fauna der Schweiz. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 6: 369-426.
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Černosvitov, L., 1937a. On a collection of Indian earthworms of the family Lumbricidae. Records of the Indian Museum 39(2): 105-111.
Černosvitov, L., 1937b. Die Oligochatenfauna Bulgariens. Mitteilungen aus den königlichen Naturwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Sofia 10: 69-92.
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Cognetti, L., 1906f. Lombrichi di Madagascar e dell'isola Riunione. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Torino 21(537): 1-9.
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Davies, H., 1954. A preliminary list of the earthworms of northern New Jersey with notes. Breviora, Museum of Comparative Zoology 26: 1-13.
Easton, E.G., 1983. A guide to the valid names of Lumbricidae (Oligochaeta). In: Satchell JE (ed.), Earthworm Ecology: from Darwin to Vermiculture, Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 475-487.
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Gates, G.E., 1942a. Check list and bibliography of north American earthworms. American Midland Naturalist 27(1): 86-108.
Gates, G.E., 1953a. Further notes on the earthworms of the Arnold Arboretum, Boston. Breviora, Museum of Comparative Zoology (15): 1-9.
Gates, G.E., 1953c. On the earthworms of the Arnold Arboretum, Boston. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 107(10): 500-534.
Heimburger, H.V., 1914. Notes on Indiana earthworms. Proceedings of the Indiana Academic Sciences 1914: 281-285.
Kasprzak, K., 1989. Zoogeography and habitat distribution of earthworms (Lumbricidae) and Enchytraeids (Enchytraeidae) of the Carpathian mountains (Poland). Miscellania Zoologica 13: 37-44.
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Michaelsen, W., 1902a. Die Lumbriciden-Fauna Norwegens und ihre Beziehungen. Abdruck Verhandelingen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Hamburg 9(3): 1-13.
Michaelsen, W., 1908. The Oligochaeta of India, Nepal, Ceylon, Burma and the Andaman Islands. Memoirs of the Indian Museum 1: 103-253.
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Pickford, G.E., 1932. Oligochaeta Part II. Earthworms. Discovery Reports 4: 265-290.
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Rosa, D., 1897. Nuovi Lombrichi dell'Europa orientale (Seconda serie). Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Torino 12(269): 1-5.
Shekhovtosov, S.V., Golovanova, E.V., Peltek, S.E., 2014. Invasive lumbricid earthworms of Kamchatka (Oligochaeta). Zoological Studies 53: 52.
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