Aporrectodea tuberculata (Eisen, 1874)





 国外ではオーストリア (Gates, 1982)、インド (Gates, 1958a)、中国 (Huang et al., 2006)、韓国 (Hong, 2000; Hong & Kim, 2009)、ニュージーランド (Martin, 1977)、アメリカ合衆国 (Gates, 1966, 1967; Schwert, 1990; Fauci & Bezdicek, 2002; Reynolds, 2010c, 2011a, 2015a, b)、フアン・フェルナンデス諸島 (Gates, 1969) に分布する。


 アメリカ合衆国北部では、ビニールハウス内 (Gates, 1966) や保全農地 (Fauci & Bezdicek, 2002) から本種が採集されている。


 Blakemore (2003) は、小林 (1940, 1941a-c) で報告された A. caliginosa typica は実際には tuberculata であるとしている。


Allolobophora tuberculata Gates, 1958a: 4 (syn. similis, arnoldi).

Allolobophora tuberculata Gates, 1966: 241.

Allolobophora tuberculata Gates, 1967c: 151.

Allolobophora tuberculata Gates, 1969: 3.

Aporrectodea tuberculata Gates, 1976c: 2. [記述のみ] (Apr, 1976)

Allolobophora tuberculata Martin, 1977: 307.

Aporrectodea tuberculata Gates, 1982: 28.

Aporrectodea tuberculata Schwert, 1990: 355. [同定形質のみ]

Aporrectodea tuberculata Hong, 2000: 2. [同定形質のみ]

Aporrectodea tuberculata Fauci & Bezdicek, 2002: 259. [記述のみ]

Aporrectodea tuberculata Blakemore, 2003: 9. [記述のみ]

Aporrectodea tuberculata Huang et al., 2006: 18. [記述のみ]

Aporrectodea tuberculata Blakemore, 2008d: 27. [記述のみ] (Dec ?, 2008)

Aporrectodea tuberculata Hong & Kim, 2009: 137.

Aporrectodea tuberculata Reynolds, 2010c: 122. [記述のみ] (Nov, 2010)

Aporrectodea tuberculata Reynolds, 2011a: 245. [記述のみ] (Apr, 2011)

Aporrectodea tuberculata Blakemore, 2012b: 17. [記述のみ] (Feb 28, 2012)

Aporrectodea tuberculata Reynolds, 2015a: 115. [記述のみ]

Aporrectodea tuberculata Reynolds, 2015b: 181. [記述のみ]


Allolobophora parva

Allolobophora beddardi

Allolobophora parva udei

Allolobophora constricta germinata

similis Friend, 1911

arnoldi Gates, 1952

caliginosa Easton, 1942: 246.


Blakemore, R.J., 2003. Japanese earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta): A review and checklist of species. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 11: 1-43.

Blakemore, R.J., 2008d. A review of Japanese earthworms after Blakemore (2003). In: Ito MT, Kaneko N, (eds.), A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World, 2nd Edition (2006) and Supplemental. COE soil Ecology Research Group, Yokohama National University, Japan. CD-ROM Publication.

Blakemore, R.J., 2012b. Japanese earthworms revisited a decade on. Zoology in the Middle East 58 suppl 4: 15-22.

Fauci, M.F., Bezdicek, D.F., 2002. Lumbricid earthworms in the Palouse region. Northwest Science 76(3): 257-260.

Gates, G. E., 1958a. Contribution to a revision of the earthworm family Lumbricidae. II. Indian species. Breviora, Museum of Comparative Zoology 91: 1-16.

Gates, G.E., 1966. Requiem~ for megadrile utopias. A contribution toward the understanding of the earthworm fauna of North America. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 79: 239-254.

Gates, G.E., 1967c. On the earthworm fauna of the great American desert and adjacent areas. Great Basin Nat. 27: 142-176.

Gates, G. E., 1969. On the earthworms of Ascension and Juan Fernandez Islands. Breviora, Museum of Comparative Zoology 323: 1-4.

Gates, G.E., 1976c. More on oligochaete distribution in North America. Megadrilogica 2(11): 1-6.

Gates, G. E., 1982. Farewell to north American Megadriles. Megadrilogica 4(1/2): 12-77.

Hong Y., 2000. Taxonomic review of the family Lumbricidae (Oligochaeta) in Korea. The Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology 16(1): 1-13.

Hong Y., Kim, T.H., 2009. The earthworm composition in agroecosystem of Sunyu Island, Korea. The Korean Journal of Environmental Biology 27(2): 135-139.

Huang, J., Qin, X., Zheng, J.S., Chong, W., Dong, M.Z., 2006. Research on earthworm resources of China: I. Check-list and distribution. Journal of China Agricultural University 11(3): 9-20.

Martin, N.A., 1977. Guide to the lumbricid earthworms of New Zealand pastures. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 5: 301-309.

Reynolds, J.W., 2010c. The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) of northeastern United States, revisited. Megadrilogica 14(7): 101-157.

Reynolds, J.W., 2011a. The earthworms (Oligochaeta: Acanthodrilidae, Eudrilidae, Glossoscolecidae, Komarekionidae, Lumbricidae, Lutodrilidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae, Octochaetidae and Sparganophilidae) of southeastern United States. Megadrilogica 14(9-12): 175-318.

Reynolds, J.W., 2015a. A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in the states of Connecticust, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, USA. Megadrilogica 17(8): 113-123.

Reynolds, J.W., 2015b. A checklist by counties of earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Megascolecidae and Sparganophilidae) in New Jersey, USA. Megadrilogica 17(12): 179-190.

Schwert, D.P., 1990. Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae. In: Dindal DL (ed.), Soil Biology Guide, John Wiley & Sons, NY. pp. 341-356.